We think, work and act with a modern approach.

Honestly, traditional energy savings don’t start with design, and most importantly, not with construction.

We recommend following the logic shown in the figure on the next page. Accordingly, guiding principles should first be set up for:

  • The project, as well as the establishment.
  • The operation.
  • Protection of the environment and humanity.

When starting a new project, you must first decide the important points that exist in the real world, because the main secret of development is that it can only be built on reality. This is followed by the process of creating key ideas, which also includes articulating expectations for the outcome. Its form can be, for example, a concept plan or a study plan.

Once the main ideas have been set up and the concept has been created, the specification of the new system will be compiled – this will be the basis for the design and the cost of the investment can at that time be determined with an accuracy of about 10 percent, already.

The main steps of the design are:

  • system plan,
  • then conceptual plan;
  • construction plan.

An important issue for implementation, in addition to a high quality and a well-routined, good operation, is whether an energy monitoring system is established to continuously control energy consumption.

Last, but not least, comes the till now underestimated part, operation of the facility with constantly incoming invoices. This is when the concept of a database, i.e. BIG DATA, comes into the picture, because the application of smart algorithms can explore further possibilities for intervention and savings.


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